Friday 4 April 2014

Lake Bled Slovenia

Lake Bled Slovenia number one tourist attraction in Slovenia is located in the beautiful and mountainous northwest Slovenia. With less than 1 hour drive from Ljubljana and 1.5 hours of Koper is easily accessible and perfect for a half day trip .

The town of Lake Bled, with its alpine lakes, glacial origin, the famous island living goddess , and the oldest castle in Slovenia is one of the most prestigious resorts in Slovenia. Lake Bled has been the most popular tourist destination of the Austro -Hungarian Monarchy since the 19th century Swiss doctor Arnold Rikli discovered its ideal natural conditions and founded a health center . Yugoslav President Tito also had a residence here , Vila Bled hotel. Before him, it was a vacation spot for the royal family of the first king of Yugoslavia , Aleksandar Karađorđević . The residence is located on the shore of Lake Bled and surrounded by a glorious park, filled with beautiful flowers and mighty trees .

Bled Island in Lake Bled, offers picturesque views of the church and breathtaking beautiful emerald lake . The island has been visited by pilgrims since ancient history, and can be reached in a traditional wooden boat called pletna .

Above the lake there is a medieval castle perched on a rocky cliff , from where you can admire the incredible beauty of the lake and the high peaks of the Julian Alps.

Lake Bled mountains

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